basic-ish do not interact/follow criteria

almost all of this is is from

more ‘basic’ dni (1) racist (2) anti-black (3) against blm (4) support all/blue lives matter (5) nazi (6) alt-right (7) antisemitic (8) islamophobic (9) xenophobic (10) map or 'minor attracted person', a pedophile, basically (11) fujoshi/fundashi (12) fetishize mlm relationships/pairings/etc (13) romanticize abuse or mental illnesses (14) ableist (this includes people who are against self diagnosis too) (15) lesphobic (16) biphobic (17) homophobic (18) transphobic (19) panphobic (20) acephobic etc etc (21) radfem (22) transmed/transcum (23) terf (24) use slurs you can't reclaim (25) believe in/are a bi/pan lesbians (26) believe fiction doesn't affect reality (27) pro-ship/anti-anti (28) misogynistic (29) transmysogynistic (30) sexist

’dni if ur transphobic’, what this includes is: (1) against xenogenders and/or neopronouns (2) against lesbians who use pronouns that aren't she/her, the same applies for gay men who (3) against any sort of non-binary identity (4) make fun of valid identities, not only is it rude its also extremely transphobic
(5) trans-exclusionary (6) radical feminist (7) exclude trans women in feminism (8) ‘neutral’ about transphobia (9) you are okay with/actively interact with transphobic people/companys/groups etc

’dni if believe fiction ≠ reality’, what this includes is: (1) joke about or justify incest in any form, including families who aren't related by blood (step-siblings, adopted family, etc) (2) joke about or justify pedophilia in any form (3) justify or participate in the sexualization of minors (4) justify abusive or unhealthy relationships